NEXUS is a global network with over 80 connected manufacturers and 164 N!Members. This network connects the manufacturer and supplier with the N!Member, the N!AUTO and N!TRUCK garages and the end consumer. It’s goal is to guarantee the best possible parts with the best possible service to the end consumer. PSALTIS is the only N!Member in Cyprus.
What is NEXUS
A growth accelerator for progressive companies in the automotive industry
NEXUS is driving the success of automotive car and truck parts distributors and suppliers across the world by providing local support and innovative global services. N! disrupts the automotive aftermarket with its bold approach based on entrepreneurship, community and innovation. From the US to Latin America, Europe to the Middle East, Africa to Asia Pacific, NEXUS Automotive International is the world’s largest automotive community.
The ever growing N! community is composed of 84+ original equipment (OE) global manufacturers and over 162 N! Members all over the world. Being part of N!, we offer our N! suppliers the opportunity to BE GLOBAL ,TRADE LOCAL, for N! Members to ACT LOCAL, TRADE GLOBAL.
N! Vision: N! is there to support you, wherever you run your aftermarket business in the world. N! Mission: NEXUS Automotive International is a growth accelerator for companies of audacious spirit.
N! believes that the aftermarket will play a central role in the future of the automotive industry and wants to build this future along with progressive automotive manufacturers and players, with a strong value-oriented model.
N! is offering new approaches and new ideas for a connected, global and consolidated world of tomorrow to secure the success of its members and suppliers by its unique business model.
- Homogeneous global organization
- Strong presence in emerging markets especially in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific
- Unique team of local business developers
- Key suppliers access
- Dedicated sourcing services
- Ready-made concepts
- Professional and social networks / International and regional events
- Pride to be part of the progressive automotive community
NEXUS is dedicated and physically present to eliminate obstacles, to overcome local challenges and find solutions together with its members and suppliers.
Our dedicated business developers with deep knowledge of the local market are there to help progressive community around the globe. Thanks to its homogeneous global organization, its presence in emerging markets and its team of business developers, N! is a unique group and a global player in the automotive industry.
NEXUS is composed by man and women with a progressive entrepreneurship power. Every year, N! organizes dedicated regional events to and increase the business opportunities and human relationship between distributors and manufacturers and increase their business opportunities and human relationship.
Together with these regional initiatives, N! organizes each one global events to gather all its community and several activities and events to approach new business models. The community has also other digital tools to keep in contact and exchange best practices.